A New Data Approach in Time Series Analysis

Jeffery chiang
6 min readMay 29, 2022


Empower the data structure, Enhance the data process

Photo by Pierre Borthiry on Unsplash

Time Series data is a sequence of data points indexed in time order. The most common example of time series data is the daily closing price of the stock market. Beside the stock market, we do encounter a lot of different time series data, for instance, the climate changes across time or the sales revenue of a company. Time series analysis helps organizations understand the underlying causes of trends or systemic patterns over time.

Today, we want to dive into a fancy and powerful time series data structure engine.


The package not only provides functionalities to process the time series data, but it shines when we need to process multi-dimensional time series data. Moreover, the submodule, Stock_Transformer, is able to extract the stock data and calculate the technical indicators in just a few lines of code.


pip install time-series-transform

Note: Make sure tensorflow and plotly are installed


In this example, we will use the climate time series data in Delhi from Kaggle


Let’s get started

When we are processing the time series data, we always need to take extra attention on the time order, and it is not easy to do so with solely numpy or even pandas. The Time_Series_Transform makes the task easier than ever.

There are two main modules in the package.

  • Time_Series_Transformer: the core module and it is compatible with user defined time series data
  • Stock_Transformer: helps us to extract stock data and provide operation to embed the technical indicator calculation library (pandas-ta)

Time Series Transformer Core

Time_Series_Transformer can helps us to format the time series data and we are able to manipulate the time series data easily.

Figure 1. climate data

From the dataset, we can see there are 4 different features, and we can load the data into our package from pandas.dataFrame. The timeSeriesCol will be the column of the time index, and the mainCategory field allows us to handle multi-dimensional data, we will talk about it later.

ime_Series_Transformer data
data column
time length: 1462
category: None

We can slice the data from the time_series_data as below
{'date': array(['2013-01-01', '2013-01-02', '2013-01-03'], dtype=object),
'meantemp': array([10. , 7.4 , 7.16666667]),
'humidity': array([84.5, 92. , 87. ]),
'wind_speed': array([0. , 2.98 , 4.63333333]),
'meanpressure': array([1015.66666667, 1017.8, 1018.66666667])}

Data Manipulation

Most of the time, we need to preprocess the data before entering the model. In time series analysis, making lag or lead data (shifting data) is one of the most common methods. The package also provide the function to shift data.

  • make_lead
  • make_lag
  • make_lead_sequence
  • make_lag_sequence

make_lead and make_lag shift the data

make_lead_sequence and make_lag_sequence shift the data and return a window list data as feature. It is useful in producing Deep learning feature

{'date': array(['2013-01-01', '2013-01-02', '2013-01-03'], dtype=object),
'meantemp': array([10. , 7.4 , 7.16666667]),
'humidity': array([84.5, 92. , 87. ]),
'wind_speed': array([0. , 2.98 , 4.63333333]),
'meanpressure': array([1015.66666667, 1017.8, 1018.66666667]),
'meantemp_lead_3': array([8.66666667, 6. , 7. ]),
'wind_speed_lead_3': array([1.23333333, 3.7 , 1.48 ]),
'meantemp_lead_seq_3': array([[7.4 , 7.16666667, 8.66666667],
[7.16666667, 8.66666667, 6. ],
[8.66666667, 6. , 7. ]]),
'meanpressure_lead_seq_3': array([[1017.8, 1018.6667, 1017.1667],
[1018.66666667, 1017.16666667, 1016.5 ],
[1017.16666667, 1016.5 , 1018. ]])}

User defined function

It is also possible to use the user defined function. We can use the transform function to customize the data process.

Restriction of the customize function:

  • the function must take an array
  • output must be an array with the same size as the original data length

Note: time_series_transform.transform_core_api.util provides some general functions as we imported at the beginning

data column
time length: 1462
category: None


The package also provides function to draw plot and it supports several functions customize the plot.

  • add_line
  • remove_line
  • update_layout
  • add_marker
Figure 2. plot function

Multi-Dimensional Time Series Data

Sometimes when we are doing Exploratory Data Analysis or preprocessing the time series data before entering the model, we might want to separate the data by their features. Handling multi-dimensional time series data is the strong point of the package.

Time_Series_Transformer can specify the mainCategoryCol parameter to point out the main category. This class only provide one columns for main category because multiple dimensions can be aggregated into a new column as main category.

From the documentation. With the mainCategoryCol, we are able to separate the data by the category and perform same data operations as we did previously.

Next we can further apply the functionality to perform advance preprocessing. To demonstrate the capability of the Time_Series_Transformer, we can separate the data by their month and investigate the behavior of the data.

Moreover, we can also use the plot function on the multi-dimension data, and it will generate several lines and we can select which month we want.

Figure 3. Multi-dimension plot (option to choose category)

Stock Transformer

Speaking of the time series analysis, the stock market must be the interest of most people. Stock_Transformer makes our life easy and simple. Extraction of the stock data can be done in just one line of code, and we can also use the power of the data manipulation like how we did previously.

Stock extraction methods:

  • from_stock_engine_date
  • from_stock_engine_period
  • from_stock_engine_intraday

To calculate the standard technical indicators, we can use the get_technial_indicator with pandas-ta.

Date       Open       High        Low      Close     Volume  \
25 2019-02-07 41.725962 42.098690 41.227381 41.372601 126966800
26 2019-02-08 41.076051 41.481974 40.937501 41.421207 95280000
27 2019-02-11 41.576775 41.615667 41.139252 41.183002 83973600
28 2019-02-12 41.345854 41.564614 41.248625 41.537876 89134000
29 2019-02-13 41.659413 41.924356 41.302103 41.365299 89960800

Dividends Stock Splits MACD_12_26_9 MACDh_12_26_9 MACDs_12_26_9 \
25 0.0000 0.0 1.952193 NaN NaN
26 0.1825 0.0 1.915505 NaN NaN
27 0.0000 0.0 1.845929 NaN NaN
28 0.0000 0.0 1.798691 NaN NaN
29 0.0000 0.0 1.727417 NaN NaN

EMA_10 BBL BBM BBU Bandwidth Percent
25 40.383502 34.842427 38.655327 42.468227 19.727684 0.856326
26 40.572176 34.930402 38.865177 42.799952 20.248332 0.824800
27 40.683235 35.136170 39.081391 43.026611 20.189764 0.766349
28 40.838624 35.475825 39.343060 43.210295 19.659045 0.783771
29 40.934383 35.746722 39.558949 43.371175 19.273650 0.736915
Figure 4. Stock candle plot

